Saturday, June 11, 2011

[1938] Locations: the Four Roads

The Four Roads is located just outside of Port St. Mary, at the intersection of Plantation Road and Beach Road, and Station Road and Bay View Road. The Four Roads intersection is currently controlled by Platoon 3, Company B, of the BUF Solway Legion.

Commanded by Lt. Mulberry Hawk, the BUF soldiers support the rest of Company B located at the Port St Mary Railway Station, keeping the road open to the village. The BUF have dug full trenches along the roads and into the fields around. There are no nearby buildings, so the habitations are crude and rough, and the men are miserable most of the time. Couple that with the road being used (and most of the trenches below the raised roadways) makes the trenches hazardous as well as uncomfortable - two lorries took a dive into a trench last week during the rains, killing several soldiers. Resentment is starting to grow among the lower ranks.

On both sides of the Four Roads, the Manx forces are arrayed. To the west along Truggan Road, Lt. William Guppy commands the 1st Union Mills Platoon, 1st Douglas Company. To the east, along the Beach Road, Lt. Richard Payne commands the Castledown Militia, Castledown Company. These platoons have better accommodations, including actual buildings, but they have set up a half-dozen trenches in their area. Morale is rather high for both as well.

The fighting here is not as intense as at some other places, but shots do ring out on a regular basis.A push to cut off the Port St. Mary Railroad Station is in the works, and tunnels to the intersection have been underway for some time.

Tonight, we're making the push - can you take that trench over there while the Castledown Militia makes a feint? Good chaps!

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