Wednesday, November 2, 2011

[Resources] Ben Gascoigne, Astronomer!

That telescope is bad-ass!
Need an astronomer for your WWII to modern-day game? Look no farther than Ben Gascoigne.

An Australian, Ben was born in 1915, attended Auckland University College and the University of Bristol, worked on military optics during WWII and overhauled the observatory at Mount Stromlo. His work in astronomy and the design of optics grew from there. Read the wiki article for his amazing story. Sadly, Ben passed away in 2010, at the ripe age of 94!

Nazi spies attempt to steal Ben's designs for an anti-aircraft sight? PCs to the rescue! Aliens invading Australia in 1952? Ben spots them and calls the PCs! Communists attempt to signal Martians in 1967 using the 90 inch Siding Spring telescope? Only PCs can help Ben! Supervillain Firestorm attacks Mount Stromlo in 2003 to destroy the observatory? What band of super heroes does Ben call?

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