NameCassius Rex
High Aspect: Fools say otherwise, but I AM the Handsomest Performer to Walk these Streets
Trouble: I've charmed 100 women and Their Husbands Want Me Dead
Ideal: Play to the Calling of Your Heartstrings
Petitio Videtur: Everyone Will Know My Name
Virtus: My Performances Best Apollo Himself

Approaches: Flashy +3, Quick and Clever +2, Sneaky and Careful +1, Forceful 0

  • Because all the world is my stage, I get a +2 when I flashily create an advantage when all eyes are on me.
  • Because I am a Handsome Devil, I inflict a mild consequence (e.g. Charmed, distracted, besotted, etc.) on a woman when I invoke "Fools say otherwise, but I AM the Handsomest Performer to Walk these Streets"

In-Play Generated Aspects:
  • Keep 'em Laughing (Succeed with Style)
  • Earned Butler's enmity (1 free GM invoke due to succeed at minor cost)
  • Wide Open Spaces (for the Party) (Succeed with Style, 0 free invokes)

Fate Points: 3